Logo: Tiny looking at egg

The Eggs

Our eggs are a microcosm of the wild creativity of nature. They come in varying shapes and sizes, and varying colors: usually shades of brown but sometimes blue

When we collect eggs, we brush the excessive nature off, but don't wash them, so they can maintain their natural shelf stablility.

Because we are VERY small, and because we don't maintain an artificial environment for the chickens, they experience significant seasonal changes in their egg output (much more in summer).

The Chickens

Chickens love light, and tend to start their day whenever the sun rises. They especially want to get something to eat and drink, and they do most of their egg-laying before they really start their day.

The chickens (about 50 of them) spend most of the day exploring the barn, barnyard and our yard. Sometimes when they're feeling bold and wanting a special treat, they'll steal leftover cat food from the cats.

When the sun goes to bed, so do the chickens - they get slow-witted and sleepy almost as soon as it starts to get dark. Their humans herd them into their coups for the night (if they're not perched there already), to protect them from night-time predators.

The Humans

We're learning as we go along - about chickens specifically and life generally.